Botox in Charlotte – To ‘tox’ or not?

Botox in Charlotte – To ‘tox’ or not?

At Carefirst There is More to Botox than one would think.

To ‘tox’ or not? Many people are asking themselves these days if Botox injections are the right move for them. Botox is often advertised as a way to erase years from the face and neck; however, there are a lot of other reasons Botox can be utilized. Many may not perceive it as a skin enhancer other than minimizing wrinkles, but with less movement of the facial skin, you create less oils, meaning decreased stubborn acne. With the lift and pull of the Botox, the skin also appears firmer with a glow giving you that look you always see on social media.

Cold sore breakouts? Botox helps with those too! Studies have shown that people who experience these outbreaks on their lips see a great decline in the number per year due to the nerve paralysis in the areas of these injections around the mouth. That not enough? Botox can help with migraine headaches as well! Come, guys, come girls, COME ALL! Many wins from a product that is readily available to you today at CareFirst Medical Associates. Whether you want that HOLLYWOOD look, simply not put as much effort into your make-up routine, or are sick of losing days due to severe headaches, call us today to book an appointment before the special product offers are gone!

Botox Charlotte Benefits
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